Pat Letendre

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Resources for transfusion medicine & other health professionals


Personal perspectives on just about anything...

Hotlink After the fall...  (laboratory system in Edmonton after restructuring)

Hotlink Approaches to teaching (tips that seem to work)

Hotlink "Bud Frogs" virus-give me a break!

Hotlink Eagle has landed (moon landing, 21 July, 1969)

Hotlink Food for thought (potato-heads) (microwave theory of learning)

Hotlink Personal search strategies (how I search for information on the internet)

Hotlink Reflections of a blood eater (my pre-AIDs years at the blood centre in Winnipeg)

Hotlink Wither the students (How many lab workers should be educated to meet future needs?)

Hotlink Why conserve bandwidth? (viewpoint of a non-technie listowner)


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