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Complications of massive transfusion 


American Society of Anesthesiologists. Massive transfusion.

Hume HH, Limoges P. Blood transfusion therapy in pediatric perioperative patients. In xxx

Uhl L, Kruskall MS. Complications of massive transfusion. In: Popovsky M, editor. Transfusion reactions, 2nd ed. Arlington, VA: AABB Press;2001. p. 339-58.


Cosgriff N, Moore EE, Sauaia A, Kenny-Moynihan M, Burch JM, Galloway B. Predicting life-threatening coagulopathy in the massively transfused trauma patient: hypothermia and acidoses revisited. J Trauma. 1997 May;42(5):857-61; discussion 861-2. [ Medline ]  


Cinat ME, Wallace WC, Nastanski F, West J, Sloan S, Ocariz J, Wilson SE. Improved survival following massive transfusion in patients who have undergone trauma. Arch Surg 1999 Sep;134(9):964-8; discussion 968-70. [ Medline ]

Uhl L, Kruskall MS. Complications of massive transfusion. In: Popovsky M, editor. Transfusion reactions, 2nd ed. Arlington, VA: AABB Press;2001. p.339-58.

Uhl L, Pacini D, Kruskall MS. A comparative study of blood warmer performance. Anesthesiology 1992 Nov;77(5):1022-8. [ Medline ]


Buntain SG, Pabari M. Massive transfusion and hyperkalaemic cardiac arrest in craniofacial surgery in a child. Anaesth Intensive Care 1999 Oct;27(5):530-3. [ Medline ]

Hall TL, Barnes A, Miller JR, Bethencourt DM, Nestor L. Neonatal mortality following transfusion of red cells with high plasma potassium levels. Transfusion 1993 Jul;33(7):606-9. [ Medline ]

Strauss RG. Routinely washing irradiated red cells before transfusion seems unwarranted. Transfusion. 1990 Oct;30(8):675-7.

Wilson RF, Binkley LE, Sabo FM Jr, Wilson JA, Munkarah MM, Dulchavsky SA, Diebel LN. Electrolyte and acid-base changes with massive blood transfusions. Am Surg 1992 Sep;58(9):535-44; discussion 544-5. [ Medline ]

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