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Isolated hypotension

Cyr M, Eastlund T, Blais C Jr, Rouleau JL, Adam A. Bradykinin metabolism and hypotensive transfusion reactions. Transfusion. 2001 Jan;41(1):136-50.[ Full text

Cyr M, Hume HA, Champagne M, Sweeney JD, Blais C Jr, Gervais N, Adam A. Anomaly of the des-Arg9-bradykinin metabolism associated with severe hypotensive reactions during blood transfusions: a preliminary study. Transfusion 1999 Oct;39(10):1084-8. [ Full text ] [ Medline ]

Hume HA. Hypotensive transfusion reactions. In: Popovsky M, editor. Transfusion reactions, 2nd ed. Arlington, VA: AABB Press;2001. p.213-33.

Hume HA, Popovsky MA, Benson K, Glassman AB, Hines D, Oberman HA, et al. Hypotensive reactions: a previously uncharacterized complication of platelet transfusion? Transfusion. 1996 Oct;36(10):904-9. [ Medline ]

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